Makerspaces 101

Thu Feb 28th, 2019 - 4:15 to 5:30 pm

Makerspaces 101
Thursday, February 28
4:15 – 5:30 pm

What exactly is a "makerpace" is? What does it look like? Where can I set one up? What do I do with it? The Makerspace is a movement that is taking the world by storm! Imagine DIY meets education! A makerspace presents readily-available materials that can act as a provocation for inquiry, as well as modern technology and items to invent with.

Designed for beginners, this session will explore many iterations of makerspaces that could work for you in your school, library, district, or community-at-large!

Presenter: Kirsten Smith (Lockport Central School District), is the STEM Moderator for George M Southard Elementary School and recently led an international online webinar on the topic of Makerspaces for Kappa Delta Pi (international honorary in education).

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